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Everything posted by haylebob

  1. hi atrain, thanx 4 ur answer. what means iirc? mike
  2. Hello, until saturday i worked with Sonicstage 3.1 and tried to import a new album with 64 songs(it is a DoubleCD). SonicStage3.1 only imports the songs seperately and not in an album. My solution: I deinstalled SonicStage3.1 and re-installed SonicStage2.3: and it works with SonicStage2.3! anybody there who have a clue why the 3.1 NOT import my songs to an album? thanx in advance Mike
  3. Hi, is it not possible to transfer recordings which i'm not made with my NZ-NH1 to my PC with SonicStage 2.3? on the weekend i try to transfer recordings which i made with my MZ-R55 to the PC with SonicStage and i received an error-message "Error at transfering to PC" or so... and no more details. haylebob
  4. Hi, i dont know mp3gain. Wavelab works on mp3-file, on many other formats more and i use it for a long time and i'm very satisfied with it. haylebob
  5. that's correct (as i know now ) a friend of mine (he thinks he is an expert ) told me this that a high bitrate raises the loudness and i believe it until i used Wavelab... haylebob
  6. Hi A440, unfortunately it'll not works on my Sony Clie NZ90 (Palm OS 5) haylebob
  7. Hi again, i found a solution! After sending this posting i remember Steinbergs "WAVELAB" which is able to raise the Loudness of MP3-Files(and Wave-Files) by using "Loudness-Maximizer" I do this last evening and it works!! Now my Songs are as loud as i want them I did not expectet that i have to work on MP3-Files which i have officially purchased... thanx 4 your patience see u btw: greate forum!! haylebob
  8. ...sometimes quiet and sometimes loud Hello Forum, since long time i have the problem that some of my MP3's that i copied to MiniDisc (for my Car-Deck) with Sonic Stage are louder than others. I thought i depends on the MP3-Compression but i have MP3's with 256, some with 196 and they are at the same loudness-level. But on the other hand some MP3's with 196 are very loud and powerful in sound and bass. Is there anybody who can explain?? Is there a software available to raise the loudness-level? thanx in advance haylebob
  9. hi all, thanx 4 the answers. looks like i have to wait... 4 my Sony-Hi-MD Car-Deck... haylebob
  10. Hello everybody, i'm haylebob. I'm from germany, munich. I found this forum by chance, it is great. I'm a owner of a MZ-NH1 Hi-MD-Recorder and i love it!! I'm searching for a Hi-MD Car-Player. Is anybody here who knows if Sony build one in the near future? If so: What what price and so on... thanx in advance haylebob
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