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  1. Sure thing....I am graduating this month... I'll attach recordings as soon as I recieve mic
  2. Thx cbud for your comment! I haven't bought it yet but I will in few days. I was having 2nd thoughts...wasn't sure if it is really good and I was thinking that maybe Sony 957 would be good enough. But hell I am gonna spend extra money and get it. I found it for 450$ here in Europe..it's not cheap but when I compare it to Sony ECM-MS957 which is around 300$ I think it's much better choice. I'll write my first impressions soon...
  3. I decided to take RODE NT4.....we'll see the results....
  4. Hi! Are there any big differences in sound and options between these models-NH1,RH10,DH1- when live recording. I am in Europe and I found out that I can't purchase NH1 anymore(at least where I am) so I am specially interrested in RH10 or DH1. DH1 is much more expensive so I don't know is it better for live recording then RH10. I am clarinetist so I will need it mainly for classical chamber music. Thx
  5. Hi! I just bought MZ-RH10 but now I need good mic/mics for recording. I plan to record clarinet with piano and I'll also need it for orchestral recordings. It would be good that I can put them on a stand. First I was thinking to buy Sony ECM-MS957 but now when I read some of the topics I changed my mind. I plan to record in good acoustical place so I don't know if I have to buy a pair of binaurals from SoundProffesionals or something else....I can spend up to 180$(if invested money will really result in great sound). I am from Croatia (Europe) so my friend will buy it in US and send it to me.That's why I need suggestions that are already tried and prooven to be good so that I can just tell him the type and model to send me. I saw lots of suggestions in previous topics but I couldn't make up my mind so I had to write new topic related specificaly to my case. If someone can help I will be most gratefull....
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