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  1. Now that I seem to have SonicStage 3.1 working they way it is supposed to,(thanks to everyone here!) is there a users guide or tutorial link somewhere? I've looked at the pinned topics and at sony.com but I haven't found anything yet. Am I just missing it? Even a user guide for an earlier version of SonicStage would be good. It would be great to find out how to use this software to it's full potential. Thanks again, Craig
  2. I'll give it some thought. Thanks for this forum and your help. I can see I'm gonna be busy! Craig
  3. OK . After 11 days of trying I now have something that seems to be working. Whew! Now do I have to download Simple Burner 2.0 also? or is it part of Sonic Stage and I'm just not finding it? Beginning to feel better, Craig
  4. I'm willing to give this another try. Taking into consideration all the problems I'm having getting anything to run, should I be attempting to install SS 3.0 or 3.1? Is 3.1 for US users? Craig
  5. I'm now beginning to understand why MD is not very popular here in the US. It's because the public wouldn't put up with it! I thought I did my homework in selecting which player to get. Boy, was I ever wrong. I know now why they put an AM/FM/TV/Weather band radio on the remote. It's so you have something to listen to because downloading some music to disc from your computer is impossible. Shame on SONY! What would people do if they were told their WEGA TV doesn't "play well" with some particular brand cable box? "Our TV is fine it's your house wiring that needs to be fixed!" What a load of crap! All I was looking for this thing to do was to copy some vinyl LP's and record an occasional live show then perhaps clean it up with an editing program. Sure! When pigs fly! I may not be a computer progammer but I can find my way around pretty well. In twelve years I've never seen anything even close to this. I'll be damned if I have to format my hard drive in order for this thing to work. WHOOAA!!!!! Get me some Tylenol! ....I feel better already hmmmm, where'd I put the Best Buy ad with all those neat i-Pods?
  6. I've tried 3 times now to install SonicStage 3.0 and each time just after the driver is installed a window pops up stating installation was cancelled. I followed all steps to remove previous versions. I now have win xp sp2 installed with all updates. I've run Housecall so many times I have all the answers memorized. avast is up to date and shut down before installation attempts. Spybot, Ad-aware and Microsoft antispyware are run regularly. I defrag at least once a week and perform disc cleanup. Processor is an AMD Athlon XP 1600+ GHz with 384 MB of ram. Most USB devices are unplugged (mouse and Kodak dock are not). I tried installing Simple Burner 2.0 last night which worked somewhat but a window would open looking for openmg files. I was able to copy 2 cd's at LP2 but had to manually shut down the computer to close the pop up windows so I uninstalled SB 2.0. Any ideas? After a week of trying to get my MZ nf610 working I'm ready to throw in the towel. Thanks for any help Craig
  7. Sorry I didn't see that post. I'll try by following the proceedure to a "T" and let you know what happens. Thanks again, Craig
  8. A newbie here. I've just installed OpenMG Jukebox v2.2 and Simple Burner v1.0 neither program recognizes my MD is hooked up. When I connect the usb cable I hear the windows tone that a device is connected. The LCD shows PC>>MD. but in simple burner the MD is not enabled nor is the recording LP2/LP4 mode. In OpenMD Jukebox it says "external device not found". I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling 3 times. I can record from a CD player using an optical cable with no trouble. Do I need Sonic Stage? I'm not sure how that is different. After such high anticipation my frustration level is peaking Thanks for any advice, Craig P.S. I'm running Win XP with serv pak 1
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