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  1. sitnt

    Onkyo Hi-MD x-n7

    Thanks for all of your response, X-N7 is the one that I have. Best regards.
  2. sitnt

    Onkyo Hi-MD x-n7

    Nice to get response from you. The problem is when I try to tune the FM radio I found that the only the frequency between 80-90 mghertz, then the channel change to VH1 then VH2 and VH3. I can't tune the frequency over 90 Mghertz. I don't know why.Can you help me fix this problem? Thanks
  3. Hi How can I get the English manual for Onkyo X-N7? Thank sitnt
  4. Hi! I also have a problem with charging RH10. The problem is when I charg rh10 from the stand, I found it didn't charge at all, but it's fine when I charge it directly from the charger to MD. Did anyone has this problem like me?
  5. Thank you But I'm wonder that sony claimed the 2nd generation MD can play MP3, so if I have to transfer it from sonic stage, it is not different from the first generation. sitnt
  6. I've just got RH-10 from japan and wonder how to record the MP3 format. When I try to drag the file to MD, it can't play, so I have to transfer it by sonic stage. Can anyone help me? Thank you sitnt
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