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  1. Ooh that seems good, i might actually get one.
  2. Thanks for the reply. Is the rm40elk much better? I don't know much about it, but is it smaller than the mc38el ?
  3. Hello all, Just recently i figured out that my left side of the headphones started to have problems for my hi md. Thinking it was just the headphones, i switched to some random ones in the house, i realised after switching it was my md, but not the md itself just the remote. So i've had a look on some sites and i wanted to purchase the Sony RM-MC38EL, but i think my remote is a MC35EL, i think anyway, so can my be used with the MC38EL remote?\ It looks the same as the one i have but i'm not too sure since it says it Corresponds with all Hi-MD Walkman: MZ-NH1/NH3D/EH1 and not sure if that includes my model. Thanks it would be much appreciated if someone could respond. Edit: I have another question. Does anyone know where to buy those md carry pouches that come with the md and box online? It's the grey pouch with the sony orange tag, since mine is wearing out and i kinda liked it.
  4. Oh it seems i am not the only one unable to transfer mp3s into atrac. If i can recall i was using 3.3 and it did work fine. But i am not too sure if SS3.4 is the problem.
  5. soulz

    Hi-MD, Bye-MD?

    hey ppl, i remember commercials on tv in australia advertising the net-md format as they go through a drive through and get an md disc back although i havent ever seen a hi-md ad. Surprising? no.... i thought in the back of my head that this format wouldnt last ever since it came out. Even then not many people knew about it. So it is not suprising if Sony wants to cut down on this as even if they have spent a tonne of money trying to reak a profit, they have lost much more without ads and whatnot. I will probably stick with hi-md until it becomes obsolute or unusable. But the main problem that i have heard from friends was that the actual program (sonic stage) was the downfall as it was not user friendly (in my opinion) and nothign really worked. I had a lot of problems trying to even install it and then to transfer was a whole other story. If they did change or 'redo' the sonic stage to make it more usable possibly more people who had the md and sold it straight away may have kept the md and went through the net md and hi-md. My opinion anyway...
  6. hey thanks bug80 and daijoubu it finally works after months of ss3 not working. i feel relieved that i can put new songs onto my md! thansk guys fro helping ,disabling ffdshow worked perfectly
  7. hmmm.. i think i have ones for video playback like divx, xvid, matroska codecs. Will those affect ss? im not sure if i have any others is there a way to check?
  8. according to the windows registry installed MDAC version thats on that repair utility it says it 2.81.1117.0 and the JET is 4.0.8618 thanks for the welcome and the reply!
  9. I have windows xp, sp2 and sonic stage 3.1, 2.53 ghz ,pentium 4 and 512 of ram.i have the updates for windows on and updated antivirus.my md is a hi md mz-nh900 the problem is that when i try to transfer or even convert something on ss3.1 it stops at around 20% to 26%. Then it usually slows down my computer and the cpu usage after that is at 100%. I try to convert at 48 but it just stays at that particular percentage and it says its converting but it freezes kindof. Slows down untol nothing is accessible or even a simple mouse click is impossible. Any suggestions on how to fix the problem? it would be greatly appreciated Would the update from 2->3 and from 3.1 be an issue. As when i had ss2 it couldnt load at all. It came up with some error. Would i have to uninstall everything and clear registry before i install 3.1? Would that fix the problem?
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