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  1. too lazy to translate , but you can find it in english via : http://www.dapreview.net/news.php
  2. On the counterpart, it seems like the battery is less efficient with MP3 than with atrac3plus
  3. I can comment on that since i first transfered my whole cd collection to atrac3plus 256. For some reasons, there have been some scrissshhh (1-2 seconds and loud enough for me to be scared each time) when playing some tracks and on quite every atrac. No such thing appeared on rare mp3 i have. So that i initialized my HD5 device and reencode my cd to mp3 with CDex using lame 3.97 at 320 cbr, stereo. All I can say is that the sound is deeper in the low frequencies, clearer in the mids and less harsh in the highs. My headphones are the shure e2c. No way to go back to atrac.
  4. Well, my HD5 came with the firmware 1.2 already installed, and i did the hack: it just worked great and the sound is clearly loud enough so that i can't even keep the volume at its max using the shure e2c. And i live in France, so no need to change the regional settings.
  5. Well here is the ref of the hotfix: windowsXP-KB887811 More info on the microsoft support website Maybe you'll have to reinstall SS 3.2 Hope it helps ...
  6. Hi, The problem can be fixed by downloading a patch correcting a windows update. Unfortunatly, i'm not in front of my own PC and can't indicate you which update is involved. Will check it as soon as possible.
  7. Hi, Importing cd to atrac : no problem transfering files to device : no problem I was ready to congratulate sonicstage for the job when I push the play button on my HD5 (v.1.2). Only Mp3 is playable "Atrac3+ 256 is not allowed on this device". They are directly imported from CD's DRM unchecked. What is the problem ?
  8. 256 'cause I prefer good sound quality to quantity. In that respect I'm leaning forward changing headphones and upgrade to shure e2c
  9. Ok that's cool, so that i can prepare myself for this expected event by keeping on transfering my CD's to atrac format. Thanks for the welcome and the reply Mr. administrator
  10. Hello, Well, here is my question: i've already SS 3.2 installed on my computer and I'm waiting for HD5 to arrive. Do I need to install the cd software (SS 3.1 i suppose) in the package to make the player works ? If not, do I need to download drivers for the unit or are they included in SS 3.2 ? Thanks for helping. Arnaud
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