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Everything posted by erictioh84

  1. anyone has hiss sound in their rh910 when playing back ?
  2. actually i'm using E407, i feels that it's treble/mid vol is too high i can't listen too long with it because it makes me dizzy.. Rh-10's sound better in term of what? clearness? or bass?
  3. RH-910, it's an excellent device with superior sound quality.
  4. hi, anyone has owned sony mp3 player E407 and HIMd such as Rh 910 or RH 10 before? how is the sound quality between them? which better?
  5. any one can give me the complete service manual for RH-10??
  6. comparing between RH-910 and NH-900, which one produce better sound? does Nh-900 's HD digital amp tunes up it's sound quality?
  7. i'm not quite understand about digital amp, what is that? may i have better detail?
  8. how do u all judge the sound quality between RH-910 and NH-900? same ? one better than the other?
  9. no.. whatever mp3s i have tested on my MD doesn't work. i have 4000 mp3s on my HDD, no one is working, and i've tried to encode a mp3 file using some program from CD, it didn't work also.
  10. actually what do u mean service manual? what i'm requesting is a manual with full explaination about which value to set and what are the meaning of every value of the MD. but i cant find it at first page of this thread
  11. if i simply change any value, will it cause my MD unbootable or unstartable?? who can confirm it?
  12. but as what kirusu said, his MD got DistFL this word, and mine got that too. in extra, the custom EQ hack on RH-10 is applicable to mine too. so i think that is a big possibility that RH-910's firmware is the same as RH-10 but just some hrestriction as been done in the firmware. just a guess... if anyone got free time help me check the firmware code whether same or not. just a checking, better than not right? this is the only way and only hopes for my MD.
  13. after u have changed it to 24, u try to to enter it again, u will find DistFL already..
  14. after u have changed it to 24, u try to to enter it again, u will find it DistFL already..
  15. yeah, i have tried the mp3 that u posted on this thread. it's not working on my RH-910. i've found from a forum, they said asian version doesn't support DIRECT-MP3, so mine is asian version. so anyone with RH-10 or RH-910 please compare your firmware code with mine, any different please let me know thanks.
  16. 0110 NV 0111 ResAll CC 0112 Clock CC 0113 DistFL 24 0114 DistFH 80 0115 ClrVNV 00 0120 Laser 0121 Lrefpw 14 0122 WrPwx4 A9 0123 SettHM3 CC 0124 HMD3RH 36 0130 Temp 0131 SetTmp 19 0132 Dsptmp 25 0133 TmpOfs DC 0200 SET 0210 DiscPr 0211 NomiRP 2E 0212 NomiRT 1E 0213 NomiWP 8D 0214 NomiWT 28 0215 OptiRP 22 0216 OptiWP 69 0217 Adrs H 18 0218 Adrs L 14 0219 ResDrp CC 0220 AdjUID 0221 040706 0222 000000 0223 131253 0230 MD1Pr 0231 DscSel 01 0300 OTHER 0310 LED 0311 Ch0p H FF 0312 Ch0p L 3F 0313 Ch0p0F CC 0900 LINE 0910 MngFlg 0911 MngF1 00 0912 MngF2 00 0920 Other 0921 TsbSsb 00 these are the codes for my MD RH-910. can anyone compare and check whether any field is not same as yours? because mine one really cannot play back mp3 directly. whatever files i have tried on. so i would like to compare these code with yours to see what are the differents. who knows it might be the firmware's problem that i can easily fix it using modify the value..
  17. cool kurisu, it works on my RH-910 also... thank you.. now i'm trying to figure out complete steps working on my RH-910 1. switch on ur MD (by pressing anykey) 2. slide on the hold key 3. hold down the menu key 4. press the key sequence : FF FF RW RW FW RW FW RW || || (|| is pause key) 5. now release all keys. 6. u will see the screen is blinking ( version and black background) 7. now press vol+ 1 time and u will see a word "manual" on screen 8. now press >>(fast forward) for 5 times and 0113 string will be displayed on screen, as the same time u will see the string below it is incrementing 9. when u press vol+ the last digit will be incremented by 1 opposite for vol-, so you have to change the last 2 digits to 24 by using vol+/- key. you should know hex number right!! 10. press || (Pause key) once 11. press stop key 4 times 12 remove ur batt.
  18. you are wrong. the pause key is not jogwheel but the key beside REC. here is the steps: 1. switch on ur MD (by pressing anykey) 2. slide on the hold key 3. hold down the menu key 4. press the key sequence : FF FF RW RW FW RW FW RW || || (|| is pause key) 5. now release all keys.
  19. yeah i saw hex number below the 0113 item number. and when i press vol+ the last digit of the hex string incremented. but i never seen "DistFL" on my MD screen. hi kurisu, my RH-910 is asia version and i believe that it's originally doesn't support mp3 playback. do u know the way to hack it?
  20. regarding the custom EQ, when i reached the 2nd step where i came to item number 0113, the numbers below it keep incrementing and i can't find "DistFL" on screen even i pressed vol+/-
  21. as i know, there is a higher capacity battery which is 1350mah.
  22. does this work on RH-910?? i have my RH-910 which does not have custom EQ as well. another question: my RH-910 cannot play mp3 transferred using sonic stage, it shows the message "Cannot Play" when i'm trying to play it. how can i solve this problem? any firmware hack on this?
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