hello everyone, i sold my mzr50 and bought a new mznh1 and i noticed that many things changed but everything for the best I think. however, there is one topic and i can't really understand: audio compression. sony has a new atrac3plus compression system and now you can choose what quality you want for your recordings. i saw that atrac3plus offers lower bitrate than atrac3 but they didn't say anything about quality. i read the entire manual and stuff on sony's site but all they will say is that you can fit much info in there. i encoded a cd in 48 kbps with atrac3plus and it sounded BAD. almost as bad as an mp3 file but the noises and disturbances were of different nature. i felt it's making me very uncomfortable while listening for a long time. so what compression should i use??? atrac3 at 132 kbps should be "near cd quality" right? so what is the deal with atrac3plus 256 kbps? it's giving less recording time on the minidisc (just under 8 hours vs. 16 and a half hours). can anyone please explain this to me? i can understand mp3 easily