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  1. I bought it from www.digitalfotoclub.com
  2. hello again, If you remember me, I am the guy with the busted mznhf800. I got a refurbished one under warantee and I still wanted an rh10. I ordered mine from a cheap website for like $240. now it is fruckin back ordered. Does anyone else have this problem or have heard when a shipment will arive?
  3. is there anything I can do, or should I buy a new one?
  4. yes the disk is spinning, it just won't read. it makes a quit tik tik sound. Am I sqrewed?
  5. this problem has occured with a 1g disk, and an 80 min disk. those are the only ones that I have tried. I don't think that it is underwaranty, I bought it from minidisco right when it came out maybee on the 2nd shipment. I did drop the unit once from about waist high months ago, and it has worked fine since then so I don't think it was damaged.
  6. hello md community I started with a sony MZN707 it was great. I loved it. It was stolen Now I have stepped up to the MZNHF800 as soon as it hit the market it was great. I loved it. It quit working. when I pop in a disc, it spins but it is like it doesn't find where to start. It just spins and makes an out of the ordinary ticking noise. I can skip tracks, but they never play. It says something like "busy please wait" this happens with 1g and 80 minute disks. I even made sure to have it in the respective play mode. I tried taking out the battery, but nothing works. Should I try a cleaning disk? Should I forget it and buy a new one? Does anyone else have this trouble? please help. Thank you
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