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  1. Hi, Along the same lines, I have noticed that my SS 3.1 has a pb with WAV files encoded using TotalRecorder 5.1 Standard Version (I have not tried any other encoders though). Baiscally, everything "looks" fine until SS reaches 99% of data conversion, at which point iSS seems to enter an endless loop (remains stuck at 99%, the weird thing is that SS still consumes all the CPU at that point in time). The only remaining option is to abort the conversion process. Has anybody experienced the same pb ? The weird thing is that SS 3.1 is perfectly able to play the very same WAV files with no artifacts, etc., which makes me think that TotalRecorder is off the hook for that pb. Just adding to a long list of complaints on SS 3.1... NB: does anyboy know why TotalRecorder does not offer higher than 56kbps quality when recording in MP3 ? This is the reason why I initially wanted to record in WAV, to have higher resolution.
  2. Hi, I have just received my mz-n520. I found the remote to be quite irritating because it is extremely easy to inadvertantly press the "Group" key which are fit on the side of the (tiny) remote. When doing so while playing say track T, and when no Group has been defined, the unit then skips to the track T+9. Then it is a hassle to go back to Track T and find the exact portion of the track that was being played prior to the pressing this key (I listen to a lot of radio broadcasts, so I don't feel like listening the track again from the very beginning again). Is there any way to disable this "Group" key from the remote so that when pressed by mistake, nothing happens (not found oit in the user's manual) ? Thanks !
  3. Hi All, I am bit confused with all those upload talks. I have carefully read (most of the) posts on uploading, and came to the conclusion we could not upload info using SS if we had a Net-MD unit. The same was echoed on the Minidisk Org site. Now, having just bough a Net-MD unit, and having installed SS 3.1, I can see the SS menu seems to allow both downloads and uploads. More specifically, it appears that when attemping to upload, SS3.1 is first trying to delete the tracks on the MD (presumably for content protection, Sony's pet subject). So, I guess I have three questions: A) Do you guys still confirm we cannot do any kind of uploads ? If my understanding above is correct, has anybody found a way to "patch" SS 3.1, so that it would not attempt to delete the MD track after/before it uploads the track to the computer ? C) I have read that RealPlayer has an ATRAC / MD plugin; does it allow anykind of upload for Net-MD devices, and if so, is it managing rights in a way that is different - and hopefully less strict - than SS 3.1 ? Voilà.... thank you in advance.
  4. Hi All, I should soon become the proud owner of a Sony MZ-N520 Net MD recorder (courtesy of Amzon.co.uk). I know this model starts smelling a bit stale, but the price was really attractive , so I went for it. Anyway, I read on the user's manual posted on the web that this model comes with SonicStage vers. 1.5. Browsing this forum, it is clear that a few versions have been released since this unit was laaunched, and that now vers. 3.1 seems to available for download. I have two questions: 1. Will my MZ-N520 be compatible with SS version 3.1 ? 2. If so, am I better off simply ignoring vers. 1.5 thatI should find on a CD in the box and go straight to vers. 3.1 ? Thank you in advance for your responses !
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