Hi All, I am bit confused with all those upload talks. I have carefully read (most of the) posts on uploading, and came to the conclusion we could not upload info using SS if we had a Net-MD unit. The same was echoed on the Minidisk Org site. Now, having just bough a Net-MD unit, and having installed SS 3.1, I can see the SS menu seems to allow both downloads and uploads. More specifically, it appears that when attemping to upload, SS3.1 is first trying to delete the tracks on the MD (presumably for content protection, Sony's pet subject). So, I guess I have three questions: A) Do you guys still confirm we cannot do any kind of uploads ? If my understanding above is correct, has anybody found a way to "patch" SS 3.1, so that it would not attempt to delete the MD track after/before it uploads the track to the computer ? C) I have read that RealPlayer has an ATRAC / MD plugin; does it allow anykind of upload for Net-MD devices, and if so, is it managing rights in a way that is different - and hopefully less strict - than SS 3.1 ? Voilà.... thank you in advance.