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  1. Just so I can be sure of what you are saying here. I've already imported 95% of my cd's (a lot) again using the ATRAC format. As these will all have DRM already are we not able to change this within v3.2 and remove this restriction? Also as a secondary question, I was advised on another forum that if you want to upgrade your PC (which I obviously will at some point) then you can transfer your library by simply doing a backup from the old PC and restore onto the new PC through SS backup. Is that correct please as I don't want to be restricted to one PC for the life of the device? Thanks in advance for your replies.
  2. Sorry for the delay in posting but I am still only 95% of the way to resolving this problem. I had fully intended to challenge Sony on this and my resolve was stiffened by A440's comments above. Anyway after a long and arduous process I have been offered a satisfatory solution by Sony in the form of compensation. Unfotunately they have asked me not to outline the details of this publicly so I must respect that but you can probably guess the nature of the compensation offered (something relatively inexpensive for them to offer but worth a monetary value to me). Anyway the message is, if this, or something similar, happens to you then keep fighting and escalate to the highest levels. If you are persistent you can get some sort of result. Good Luck.
  3. Thank you again for your suggestion but, unfortunately, no joy ...... This is soooo frustrating.
  4. Surely there must be another way, all the ATRAC files are still there with album and track info etc? You're right in that I did not perform a backup using the SonicStage tool prior to upgrade but when you are using an approved Sony upgrade you do not expect that you will lose your whole library as a result. As for my machine specs I have an IBM ThinkPad T30, P4 1.8GHz, 768MB, 40GB, Win XP with all the latest updates and Broadband Internet so there shouldn't be any issues with that I reckon. Apart from the slowness of USB 1 Does anyone have any other suggestions please?
  5. Thank you for the prompt reply. I tried your suggestion using the guidelines I subsequently found on previous thread as per the link below http://www.iq.sony.com/SRVS/CGI-BIN/WEBCGI...=ref(QB):ord(1) I received a "Cannot connect to the Internet" message prompt so followed the link below as directed Step 8 in the instructions said, "8. In the OpenMG window, double-click the Restorable folder" Unfortunately I was unable to complete the process at this point as there is no folder named, "Restorable" in the OpenMG directory on my drive.
  6. Hi, First time poster on this site having just found it on Google. I have a REAL problem with SonicStage v3.1 and I am hoping someone can help me. I have tried contacting Sony customer "support" but they claimed I was the only person ever to report this problem and said that they could not help me. I was one of the first to buy an NW-HD1 last year (in the UK) and it came with SonicStage v2.1 Despite my computer being less than 3 years old (A ThinkPad T30) it was one of the last models with USB 1 so converting my 227 albums from the CD's took a LONG time. When I sent my NW-HD1 to Sony for the MP3 upgrade (use ATRAC 3+ myself but wanted the latest firmware) I received a SonicStage v2.3 CD back and installed that with no problems. Then came the nightmare. I downloaded SonicStage v3.1 from the official link below about 10 days ago http://www.sonydigital-link.com/DNA/SonicStage/SS31.asp?l=en Everything seemed to go fine but when I launched it, to my horror, my media library was empty. I checked that the ATRAC files were still there and they were so I tried to import one manually. It looked ok with the track info etc imported but when I tried to play the track I got the message, "Cannot play back this track. Do you want to connect to the internet and download the license for the track?". Now obviously I paid for the "license" when I bought all of the CD's so I should not need to do this. When I selected "No" a message repiled saying, "There is invalid rights management information in the OpenMG content". I reported this to Sony, who have been no help whatsoever I'm afraid, so I tried the above again, clicking "Yes" to connect to the internet and the same error message appears. I am now becoming REALLY desperate as the thought of having to start again with loading my CD's fills me with dread and it all seems so unnecessary seeing as the ATRAC files are still there. Please, please, please could someone help me and suggest a solution? I have heard that uninstalling v3.1 and going back to a really old version (pre v2.1) SonicStage may help but I haven't tried this yet. At the moment I'm willing to try anything to avoid installing these CD's again. Thanks in advance for any possible solutions suggested.
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