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  1. AAA87

    Omjgbox.exe Error

    Hey thanks for your help, but it still seems that nothing works....what on earth could the problem be, its an absolute mystery?????
  2. AAA87

    Omjgbox.exe Error

    hi, sorry what exactly is "the windows media format runtime.." and where do i download it from... thanks so much by the way
  3. AAA87

    Omjgbox.exe Error

    absolutely nothing is working i've updated all the windows downloads, and the fix, downgraded my nvidia drivers, thorough clean installs, run like a hundred virus and spyware scans, i have no idea what can be affecting the software...if anybody comes across this page....HELP ME PLEASE!!!
  4. AAA87

    Omjgbox.exe Error

    again nothing, sorry to bug you about this, but n e more hints?....when you said conflicts with other software, what could they be?
  5. AAA87

    Omjgbox.exe Error

    i'm afraid that didn't work either...if you have any fresh ideas I would be so welcome for any more help
  6. AAA87

    Omjgbox.exe Error

    after changing my drivers would i need to uninstall and then re-install sonicstage 3.1? Before downgrading I had the latest driver 71.89
  7. AAA87

    Omjgbox.exe Error

    infact because i've been so ingrossed with this sonicstage thing i've read a lot of peoples posts and I down graded my Nvidia driver to 40.41 but still to no prevaile hope that helps
  8. Hi, you wouldn't believe the hassle i've been going through the last couple of weeks to get my sonicstage working. Sony e-mailed me offering me the update to SS 3.1...i thought what nice people at sony....YEH RIGHT...since downloading it, it's just been a mega pain in the backside...The "Omgjbox.exe has caused an error and must be closed by windows" comes up everytime at the exact point where the animation shows "loading UI components"...the same thing sometimes used to happen with my old SS 2.0, but after re-starting it would be fine. I've tried the microsoft update, i've tried deleting and reinstalling, i've tried the thorough delete including registry components and nothing is working. I need this software to work! If anybody has a clue that would be great. Just to give you a bit of info about my gear NetMD MZ-N10 Windows 2000 Professional Service Pack 4 Nvidia Geforce 4 P4 2.0 Ghz 512 mb ram PLEASE GUYS HELP ME! cheers
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