Hi all, my first post, been a lurker/watcher for a while. I have recently (?) gotten into MD in a big way via a friend. I have it in the car , home and also walkman. I love it, BUT as I hate all these MP3 players out there (the ones you can't take home and listen to properly without loads of wires and reduced quality) I have one draw back i want to get over. I have a Net MD player and sonicstage 3.2, fine, yes but i hate wires.....I want to fit an MD drive into a spare bay on my pc. I know sony did an MD data drive but it wouldn't work on music etc... The reason for all this is that Soncistage titles everything and I have little time to do all that, lazy you may say, not with the spirit of it all I know but why waste time? I found the Vaio MD drive on ebay PCGA-MDN1 and it arrived the other day for £7 incl postage!! I have taken it out of it's little case and it seems that I may be able to add it as a periferal via either my sound car or as a hard wired unit to the motherboard. Has anyone else thought of this or am I mad? Thanks MD rules!!