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  1. I have had similar experiences with my MZ-NH1 using Hi-MD discs and Hi-SP recording mode. I have 2 different live recordings where the recorder drops audio for about 1 sec and then shortly after there will be another dropout about 5 mins later for 2-3 seconds. It's really annoying! I have used standard MDs in Hi-SP for live recording and have not run into this problem. Just for grins, tonight I chatted with Sony's online support to let them know about it. Of course they were useless but said they would forward my conversation to the management of Sony's "customer information services center". Maybe if we all make enough noise Sony will take notice and find a solution. What's even more annoying is that once the recorder drops audio you can forget about uploading your live recording. You will get a message "An Internal Error Has Occured". Guess I will only use Hi-MDs for PCM recording and MDs for Hi-SP. Such a nuisance! Even Sonic Stage will stop playing the track through the computer once it hits that dropout. Tried using Total Recorder to get a bit accurate transfer in real time and it stopped playing when it hit that dropout. Grrr... Overall I have been happy with my MZ-NH1. I have gotten into some great shows with it being so small and the recording quality can be fantastic in PCM mode with high quality mics. Not many other options for portable high quality recording that can easily be uploaded to the computer. It would be ideal if 2GB Hi-MDs would exist and then Hi-SP would be a thing of the past for me. Just hate the disc flip stress.
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