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Guernsey Andy

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  1. I've searced the forum but havn't so far seen an identical problem.... I've made some recordings recently that have played back just fine on my MZ-R909...... but on trying to play the disc after a couple of listens the player just says Blank Disc.(Most other blank disc errors seem to be after an unsuccessfull recording i.e. they never got to play them back.) I realise I've probably lost the data, but does anyone know the cause of this probem?
  2. I've always used my MDs for recording from the analogue sound output from my Sky TV box, with excellent results. With the old 80 min discs, most recordings would simply fill the disc while I went to bed. As my present MD has just stopped recording ( I know what the problem is thanks to this forum!), rather than pay Sony a minimum of £90 to get it repaired a new NH1 for a similar price seems a far better bet. Is there any way to stop the recording on a timer/sleep function or do I just have to fill the whole 1gb disc up, then delete each time? I guess an alternative might be to remove the battery and put the cradle on a timed mains switch, but would the recording still be saved? Great forum btw, thanks in advance, Guernsey Andy
  3. Could anyone tell me if either the NH1 or the RH10 can make timed analogue recordings or indeed if any current MDs have this feature? Thanks in advance.
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