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Everything posted by darkangel9685

  1. it's been a while since i posted here but this problem is really getting to me, and I don't know what to do!!! My Senn PMX-60's are really great headphones. The sound quality is awesome and they are very comfortable, However, this morning when i went to listen to my HD1, the quality just dropped to sounding like a crappy 48 kbps MP3. To make sure it wasn't the player, i tried it on a D-EJ2000, my laptop, and my bro's no-name MP3 player and the same result. I tried playing with the cord (at the base, near the jack) to little effect, the quality went back to normal, but then went to sounding lke crap What is going on here!!!??? Is it a loose wire or something else? Can i fix it myself or get new 'phones? HELP!
  2. Right now on my HD-1, I'm using ATRAC3+ 64kbps......all is fine and well, but when I plug into my stero, I can hear artifacts from recording Should I redo my player and make all the files 256kbps? Also, anyone know an easy way to convert to ATRAC? THe proggie from Sony doesn't work with SS 3.4, is there anything I can do to convert to ATRAC w/out SS?
  3. yeah it arrived! and it's sweet!!!
  4. Right now, I have the cradle hooked into the laptop on my desk ( i will post a pictorial/review once i have some time), and I wanted the cable so I transfer stuff cradle free, as it has to be plugged an AC outlet when in use, so I can only transfer from that one spot. However, with the cable/mini-dock thingie, I have freedom of movement! Also planning on getting another cradle for the desktop PC...should I?
  5. darkangel9685

    Hd1 USB cable

    Is there a USB cable for the HD1? Where can I get it? I mean, the HD3 and MZ-NH1 look like they use the same interface, so finding a cable can't be that hard? If anyone finds one, feel free to post a link!
  6. Just ordered a RM-MC40ELK from eBay for $57 USD shipped...did i get ripped off?
  7. here i am!!! Well, here actually
  8. darkangel9685


    Just wanna say hi to everyone here and give a little backround on how I got here I used to use minidisc and loved it. Then, one day at the local small electronics shop, I saw that the store was holding a contest to win my chocie of MP3 player. "What the hell, couldn't hurt" I say., and drop my name in. That night, they call me and tell me I've won and to come in and pick up the player of my choice, be it ipod, creative, ect... So i'm perusing the players, and the while being goaded to pick an ipod, though the sales dude was nice and said "you dont look like the ipod type, but i gotta ask" Then i see the HD1...sweeet! MINE So yeah, that's it..got my player for free and I LOVE IT!!!!111! ^^
  9. First off, I just wanna say hello to everyone, I'll give a proper introduction a bit later, but this is annoying the shit outta me!! OKay, got my HD1 and i love it...problem is i wanna rip my CD's to it. Coming from a MD backround, I'm used to using NetMD SimpleBurner to do this...fast, easy, convienent I **hate** using SonicStage (3.4) to do this! First I gotta rip the CD into m library, THEN import the tunes, THEN delete them form my library, as I am doing this on a laptop with limited storage space. Is there an easier way to rip a CD DIRECTLY to the player, or am i just missing it? thnx in advance for any help!
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