Hi, I've read a lot of threads comparing individual minidisc players throughout these forums; but didn't come by any Sharp vs. Sony threads. I thought a thread that outlines the pros/cons of these two markets in general, will help out prospective buyers with this major decision. As for myself, when searching for a minidisc player, i ran into countless reviews (either good or bad) of sony products, but Sharp did not seem to come up as often. So I found myself deciding between the Sony MZ-NH1 / NH900 and the MZ-RH910 /RH10. The classic debate. Of course, the NH series has the reversability perk, magnesium body, NH1 is smaller, and the high-def digital amp. Countered to the Rhs' improved battery life, better player display, MP3 playback (if you care), and the fact that it's not discontinued, which the NH1 is. But i stray off from my own topic . Then I started reading about some Sharp products. WAY better battery life (we're talking up to 4 times if not more), one bit dig amp, nicer remotes (subjective); but no 1GIG HD-MD (as far as i know). I'll admit i haven't read up on Sharp products enough yet, just thought I'd get this thread going, in case it benefits others in the minidisc community. IR