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Everything posted by Delta

  1. Well I found a way, I re-encoded all my mp3 back to MP3 at 128Kbits-44Khz using Winamp and the regular Disk Writer pluggin. There must have been something SS3.1 did not like in the way the mp3 were encoded the first time. I still don't know why SS2.1 stopped working but At least now I can listen to my songs at normal speed again.
  2. I am using CBR and not VBR and ffdshow is not installed. I can't imagine converting my mp3 to wav so that Sonicstage can convert them back properly to ATRAC3 ? for each minidisk it would take 2.5GB of space, it would fill up my hardrive in no time! What broke version 2.1? it was working fine on two PC's, until march 2005 ? was it a microsoft update, or a timed bomb in sonicstage 2.1?
  3. I converted a bunch of songs, that are CBR at 128Kbps and 144Kbps to ATRAC3 / 66Kbps like I always do for a longer playing time, some songs will play fine, but 99% of them will sound like they are playing at double speed. I used to transfer my songs from Mp3 to my Sony MZ-N510 player using Sonicstage 2.1 but suddenly it stopped being able to convert ANY of my songs and said "SonicStage does not support the file format" I downloaded SS3.1, and he was again able to convert and transfer the songs, but many are playing at double speed. What can I do ? My PC is a Windows 2000, Pentium 4, 2.8Ghz, 1GB RAM I am using SonicStage 3.1
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