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  1. hi there i have an nzmh1 i have recorded a lecture on a md disc formatted to hi-lp mode .. so in theory the whole lecture should be able to be imported straight into my library using sonic stage 3.2.. well it wont.... no new folder name comes up even though it says "loading" and nothing gets imported. i have removed sonic stage 3.2 and then reinstalled it (using the link for the full version in this forum) ibut to no avail .. (it seemed to pick up on old programming so do i need to do something to the registry? if so what? or is there an uninstaller program that works better than easy unistaller which is the one that i use?) has any one got any ideas before i go totally insane with frustation!!!!
  2. just to clarify incase i.m having a blonde moment i recorded a lecture using himd nh1 machine onto a standard (not himd) disc at LP4.. i have tried to upload this to my pc but transfer wont complete. i thought that i could upload any recording done at any LP if using a hi-md machine - but it would seem that i have to use a hi-md disc as well? so ... does this mean that i have to use himd discs if i want to upload anything ? ta folks
  3. hi there, i have been charged with the task of findiing the best microphone to use with a sony hi-md to record lectures - and i know nothing!!! it will only be voice that needs to be recorded and the setttings range from a medium sized room in a house, to a chucrh hall to a garden setting. mostly it will be one person speaking however question arise from the audience which also need to be captured. I have heard that sony mikes are good but please can anyone advise me of the best microphone to get (doenst have to be a sony) and what type omni? binauraul? HELP!!
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