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Everything posted by itzankov

  1. Yes, I've used realtime recording in the past through the optical interface... but 11 hour recording is simply unrealistic. As a last resort reverse-engeneering will have to do, but it will be a lot easyer if some technical info was made available. So, I'm hoping someone, from the guys that come up with the service manuals, will have access to this information also.
  2. Hi! I while ago a got a MZ-NH900 walkman (my 5th MD recoder). I'm a Linux user, and it's very frustrating to me to keep a Windows XP installation on my PC, just so I can transfer music to my walkman. (Every time I have to copy the files to the windows partition, restart, record and reboot again). I'm wondering if anyone has information regarding the format the music get's recorded onto the Hi-MD. I've got the ATRAC3plus codec working just fine under Linux, I just need to know the file formats and a Linux Hi-MD recording software will be available to everyone. Regards, Ilian
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