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Everything posted by DirtMagnet

  1. Hi again, still having the same probs. Have done just about everything short of buy a new MD & PC! Have totally reinstalled SS 4.0 and even tried 3.4 - still has the same prob. Any further thoughts appreciated
  2. Will do, will let you know how it goes. Thanks a heap for your advice - very much appreciated.
  3. Yeah, I did a file search already and nothing has come over. The tracks are 5 - 10 mins on average and exactly the same size/type I've previously transferred using earlier versions on sonicstage. Beginning to think this is an install problem?
  4. It goes for a couple of secs - when I hit the trasfer arrow the box in top right hand side flashes "transferring" then quickly changes to "loading" then the process finishes. It looks pretty much like a normal transfer process but much quicker and no tracks come across. I tried a different USB port, no difference. I'm not using a USB hub. My system specs: PC - HP Media Center PC m7088a Pentium 4 Processor 550J 512MB/160GB ATI Radeon X300SE Windows XP media centre edition Version 2002 service pack 2. USB 2.0 MD is MZ-NH700/Sony ECM-MS907 Mic/Roland TD6-k
  5. Yep, it says HiLP ATRAC3plus. From memory it was always PCM though? You'll have to forgive me, I'm a bit of a novice
  6. Thanks for your reply! I am using Hi-MD... MZ-NH700. Just recently upgraded to SS 4.0. Never had transfer problems before apart from old SS deleting tracks occasionally. Have re-installed SS 4.0 twice but still getting the same problem. Recorded some new tracks on a new MD and get same problem. I can however transfer tracks from my library and back again so am v confused. Any further advice much appreciated
  7. Hello MD gurus, I've searched for a post with this problem to no avail - please forgive me if this has been previously addressed. I recently upgraded to SS 4.0. I can't get tracks to transfer from MD? The MD tracks are clearly displayed on the right hand side, are selectable, playable, etc. When I try to transfer them SS says its loading files and preparing to transfer, but then the process just stops and the files have not been transferred. Appreciate any suggestions Cheers
  8. Firstly, my sincere thanks for your detailed and helpful reply. I have downloaded the recovery program and scanned the MD whilst connected via USB. The program does scan it as a drive but then immediately shuts the file recovery program down without showing me a file list or giving any other info. It is reading the MD and I think seeing the lost files however can't seem to get past this point. Any further suggestions much appreciated - you're a legend! Cheers
  9. Hi all, Would really appreciate some help here. Apologies in advance if I'm posting in the wrong spot but I've got no idea where the problem I have originated. I have an MZ-NH700 that I use to record my bands rehearsals, transfer, burn, etc. Today when I went to transfer the tracks I got a "did not transfer some tracks" error msg. 7 tracks out of 40 transferred to SS however the rest literally disappeared. i.e. they're not on my PC anywhere, and they're not on the disc itself, although previous recordings are still there. The tracks from today have literally vanished. Like many I've had my ups and downs with the MD, etc but I've not come across this before. Desperately need advice on retrieval/where these tracks may be as they're very important recordings. Cheers, Paul
  10. Hi y'all ...... thanks to those who responded to my cry for help Well, the sun is shining brightly in Melbourne Australia today as I FINALLY GOT THE THING TO WORK..... How? I'm glad you asked...... drumroll pls Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr*crash* Simon, I wish you'd joined this forum 2 wks ago as you have the solution... I re-installed 2.1 and downloaded the WAV tool, and yes, whilst there's a bit of stuffing around involved - it works (and its easy compared to what I went through the past couple o weeks). Sorry for not posting the outcome sooner...... have been busy burning 32Cd's worth of material for the band...... Tks again! DM
  11. Thanks Volta......... I have a gig tonight that I have to leave for now but I'll try your suggestion later and post the results......... fingers crossed!! DM
  12. Hi, I'm at my wit's end with my MD and sonicstage (seriously ) I did post something in the software forum a few days back asking for help (which Volta responded to, thanks) - since then I have trawled through the forums and followed all manner of tips, instructions, downloads, etc. but nothing has worked. I have very limited PC/MD knowledge and I find the posts on the forum whilst helpful are often beyond my comprehension (I bought my MD and PC new specifically record my band's rehearsals and burn to CD.. .so am very new at this). I'm now at the stage where I think I might have multiple things installed on my PC and aren't sure even where to start to fix it.... I sacrified heaps to get this PC/MD set-up and I'm just desperate to get it working. I wonder, could you please please help ... I will give you as much info as I can... PC - HP Media Center PC m7088a Pentium 4 Processor 550J 512MB/160GB ATI Radeon X300SE Windows XP media centre edition Version 2002 service pack 2. (The whole system was purchased two weeks ago) Codec packs? I have no idea what these are? USB 2.0 I've checked my entire system and am virus free My MD came with Sonicstage 2.1 GA/OpenMG/Simple Burner 2.0 MD is MZ-NH700/Sony ECM-MS907 Mic/Roland TD6-k The story so far (prepare for the saga) - Installed s/stage 2.1 as supplied with MD - sonic stage wouldn't recognise the MD. I followed instructions around proper USB connection, etc. but no go. - A friend advised I needed S/stage 3.1 or I wouldn't be able to transfer my MD music files to WAV and burn to disc. I uninstalled 2.1 per the forum instructions and installed 3.1. Same prob - s/stage does not recognise the MD, though my PC does and shows it connected and confirms it is in working order. - I unistalled 3.1, reinstalled, same prob. I followed Breadfan's idea from the forum and uninstalled again and re-installed the german version posted on the forum - same result, still doesn't recognise MD. - I uninstalled 3.1, and re-installed 2.1. HURRAH! It recognised the MD, and I was able to transfer my MD content to My Library. This is when I remembered that if I burned the tracks to an atrac CD the CD would not play back (friend says I must have 3.1 with the WAV converter for this to work? Is this true?) - This morning, I uninstalled/re-installed 3.1 and got the same result - sonicstage doesn't recognise the MD. - At this point, I threw my hands up in the air and SCREAMED.... I don't know what to do next - I'm fearful I have SS files/folders in wrong places now that I haven't uninstalled correctly and this may be stuffing up the downloads or installs Can anyone recommend anything? Should I perhaps re-load XP and start afresh? I fear I'll never get the thing to work properly. I'm about to put this whole shebang on ebay and go back to my four track..... Perhaps who provides the answer scores a pack of blank MD's as thanks!! (though I know you'd probably do it outta the goodness o yo hearts). Sorry bout the long post but I wanted to put in as much info as poss DM
  13. Hoping someone can help with this.... (before I tear what hair I have left out) I've just bought a MZ-NH700 Hi-MD Walkman, which I use with a mic to record live music (band rehearsals). When I plug the MD into my PC and open sonicstage, no tracks appear? I only get a message in the right box saying: "cannot use this disc as an audio disc because it was intialized by a program other than sonic stage. Click properties on the device/media panel and initialize the disc to use it as an audio disc" This is obviously a prob cause if I initialize the disc it erases it. Even when I use a new disc and initialise it on sonicstage and then record, I still get the same msg when I again try to transfer the tracks.... arrrgh I've previously had my brother use the same MD to burn my music to CD (before I got my own PC) - would this have anything to do with it? He seems to be able to burn tracks onto CD no probs.... help please!!! Thanks in advance
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