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  1. Perhaps, Sony should lower licensing costs of the MD technology and sell them to those China companies. If they can't come up with any cheap players for MDs, then I don't know who can...
  2. Dang, looks like you're close to clearing out Daiso's MD stocks Unignal...Must go there before they are all gone. And yes, those are exactly the kind I want! Too bad I'll be going back to camp later(I'm a NSman), it'll have to wait till next week. Perhaps we Singapore MD users should group together to form some club or something to exchange discs or something, although I am not sure if there are any MD fans left over here. By the way, anyone know of any place that sells premastered MDs? PS: Hahaha, sorry to ruin it for you, but I have a DH10P too(as well as a RH10)
  3. I can understand your feelings...I myself saw an older NETMD player at Causeway point going for $399, which is probably the MRSP for it 5 years ago...There is simply no market for MDs in Singapore, sad to say, thanks to the proliferation of cheap MP3 players. Thanks for the tips Ishiyoshi and Unigal, perhaps I'll make a trip to daiso later. Unigal, did you see any soft MD cases there? As for Singaporean MD users, I'm one! Hahaha, 2 out of 4 million...Unless there's more.
  4. I called up Sony Singapore as well, and the operator wasn't doesn't even know that there was such a model(MZ-RH1). She kept confusing it with the RH10. In any case, she mentioned that Sony has withdrawn their entire MD line in Singapore. So does anyone know where to get minidisc accessories besides V3 in Singapore?
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