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  1. Hi guys, the vista user again... I'm a software tester, and with my technet plus subscription I have Vista for free. So, it was a nice thought to use my MZ-RH10 with it. As described the new sonicstage isn't working well. I do not want to start a vista vs. MacosX topic and also do not want a "do not use Vista..." topic, just want other experiences with SS 4.3 and Vista. So, thanks all, are there people who experience the same problems as described above. grtz, AntarcticPL
  2. I've also upgraded to SonicStage 4.3 and I'm working on Vista ultimate 32bit. My processor utilisation jumps to almost 100%. Omgjbox.exe is using all of it. While writing songs to my MD (RH10) the processor util lowers to 20%, but jumps up again when sonicstage isn't doing anything. Are there others who recognise this? grtz, AntarcticPL
  3. I just want to warn people who are using TuneUp Utilities 2006 RegistryCleaner. I did so and SonicStage 3.2 wasn't working, wasn't starting up anymore: error message was something about my system information that has been changed. It seems to me that TuneUp deleted too much CLSID from my registry, after I undeleted the keys Sonicstage worked again. Just interesting to know... grtz, AntarcticPL
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