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  1. I would like to transfer the contents of My Library to cds for my wife's CD player as mp3. Sonicstage 3.2 does not seem to allow this. Could any member kindly make any suggestions. I tried Google and got a program called Switch but this only converts a portion of each classical track (their Help Line will only aid those who have purchased the program). regards Bouniagues
  2. Had the same problem. Solved by member of forum, who recommends importing files into Itunes and select all and drag and drop in SonicStage My Library. regards Bouniagues
  3. I would like to thank you all for the coutesy of your replies. Perhaps I have been rather unfortunately in my dealings with Sonicsage. My principle problem started when last week I upgraded from version 2 to 3.2. Since then I have been unable to use it. When I tried to transfer some legitimate mp3 files to my NH900, I was told that this was impossible was it failed to recongise the files or that they were copyrighted (not the case). Loosing patience, I finally deleted version 3.2 and re-installed version 2. Now I am told that as the disc cannot be used as it was initialised by something other than Sonicsage. As if this were possible. To conclude i think that the 900 is a superb machine with a wonderful sound quality. I just wish that I were able to use it. Sincerely Bouniagues
  4. As a recent member, I have noticed a large group of individuals, who have and are experiencing great difficulty with most version of SonicStage. Can a large company like Sony get away with producing rubbish like it without any comeback. Having difficulty myself I contacted Sony UK first my fax and then by email but did not receive even the courtesy of a acknowledgement. I notice that a class action in the US and similar bad publicity in the Uk forced Apple to acknowledge the problems with the Ipod and do something for their clients. I recognise that the MZNH 900 is a beautiful machine but when it cannot be used to its full capacity, i regret that i did not purchased a proper MP3 player Sorry for the polemic but I do feel angry with Sony and the quality of their after sales service. Can we put any additional pressure on them? Bouniagues
  5. I attempted to get my NH900 working in another fashion but to no avail yet. Perhaps it wil make sense to you. When all failed on my computer, I downloaded SS 3.2 on my old one - running Windows 98. When installed it recognised the player but still refused to transfer any of my music files (mp3s) telling me that it was unable to upload them as ""Cannot convert the specified tracks. SS does not support the file format of the tracks of the track is protected by copyright" Any advice appreciated. Bouniagues
  6. Many thanks for your help. Will atempt it in the next few days. In answer to your first question, I merely installed 3.2 on top of 2 without any ado!!!Not being too technical I do not like fooling around with the registry. Will keep you informed. Best wishes Bouniagues
  7. Since upgrading to SS 3.2 on Saturday I have been unable to transfer any files to my new NH900. I have a number of mp3 files (music and lectures) that tranfered perfectly well in SS 2 but now when I attempt to do it, i receive the following message "Cannot convert the specified tracks. SS does not support the file format of the tracks of the track is protected by copyright". Not being a techinal person, any advice would be welcome. Sincerely Bouniagues
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