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Everything posted by zippysquirrel

  1. I just got a new Sony Rh10, and it rocks. The only issue is that the microphone jack is kind of touchy. I have to put the mic in, rotate it, wiggle it a bit, and check the meters to make sure both channels are working. It's a homemade mic, but it has never produced this problem on any other recorder. Is this a standard issue with the Rh10, or has my luck managed to bring me yet another defective piece of unreturnable merchandise? While I'm at it, is this covered under warranty?
  2. The thing about France: make sure you can avoid ambient noise. They like to talk in the audience, creak chairs, and do just about everything but clap or cheer. I recorded an Eric Clapton concert at Palais d'Omnisports PAris Bercy, and it has a lot of ambient noise, so be prepared to handle that.
  3. Okay, the RH10 and Rh910 look pretty much the same to me, except that the rh910 is about $200, and the rh10 is $250. Mostly, I just want to bring the thing to concerts with me and record, so is the extra $50 worth anything, or am I all set with the rh910? I am using a home-made microphone that performs fine.
  4. Okay, I am looking for the best minidisc player, in the $100-$200 range, for bootlegging concerts. NetMD is nice, but not necessary. MDLP is a must. I have an N707, and I recorded a show no louder than anything I got with my old player. I had an R2 and R3, which turned out to be much older than I had realized. The nice thing was that they had a variance inside the player, so it would turn the mic sensitivity down for the concert all on its own. This may have been annoying with an acoustic guitar, but the concerts at the Garden came out excellent. Does anyone know of any of the newer players that still have this feature all to themselves, or did Sony tank that idea? I am aware of the Radio Shack dohickey. I don't want that. So, what is the best player to just plug in a mic and record a concert?
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