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  1. Thanks for the responses, although I don't really want to go fiddling around with bits that may or may not do anything. I was just curious really as to what might actually be wrong with it, since it seems like an odd fault to me. I could understand it not writing to anything at all. n.
  2. I think I'm going to sell my weirdo NH900 on ebay as faulty since it could be a bargain to anyone who only has 74/80min discs or has another recorder. I am am still curious however as to *why* it will write to regular MDs but not Hi-MDs. First post couple of months back got no response, but any ideas, anyone? It plays Hi-MDs fine, but zones out if I try to transfer anything.
  3. I have just re-aquired an NH900 which I thought was a good thing, but it has problems writing to Hi-MDs. I can transfer via USB or record through line in to regular MDs in MD mode on the unit no problem. It also seems to be fine transferring to regular MDs when formatted to Hi-MD mode. What it doesn't like is HiMDs themselves. It will read what's already on them, but every time I try to record via line-in it hangs at 'system file writing' and SOnicstage will either cause 'record error' or the unit will hang at 99% transfer. The only way to get it back is by taking out the battery to eject the disc. Any ideas anyone? I've read other people having system writing probs, but it seems weird it will take regular MDs with no hassle? (I've tried with several of each type of disc). N.
  4. Dare I say it again, I'm pretty satisfied with SS3.3, but have come across something new that is bugging me. Anything I transfer to SS is stored in my My Music folder in My Documents, since I'd rather keep everything together. When I look in this folder, any album I have ripped from CD is neatly organised in a folder titled with the album name. The problem is that anything I have imported analogue from Hi-MD is lumped in a 'Hi-MD' folder. Obviously I have grouped relevant albums etc together in SS itself, but is there some way to re-arrange how the files are stored on the computer? I basically want it to be easy to keep track of what's there and make sure I can easily delete any album I no longer want. An alphabetical listing of everything I've ever imported doesn't make this easy. I see that if I go to the properties of one of these imported tracks in SS, it lists the location at which it is stored i.e. My Music/Hi-MD/TRACKNAME.oma, but if I want to move this I have to pick from an already existing folder. Plus it's a bit awkward to do this for every track. Any tips? I figure someone is going to say if I tick the 'delete from my computer' box when deleting in SS I can make sure it's gone, but I want everything to be neat...
  5. Thanks for reply Greg - that's exactly what I had *tried* to do yesterday, but the whole thing was greyed out. However (should have tried it before I loaded), SS now seems fine - drive E shows up, but it DEFINITELY didn't yesterday. Maybe it was something to do with me burning a disc elsewhere while SS was running... Anyway, problem has solved itself! Still interested mind you in what 'operating environments' are unsuitable for creating CDs. Does the help file just mean basically you can't burn a CD unless you have a CD burner?
  6. When I click on any of the 'create CD' options in SonicStage 3.3, the transfer screen comes up blank with no drives. I see in the help it says that depending on your operating environment, it may not be possible to create CDs. Can anyone expand on this? I've got some sort of CDwriter as drive E which works fine with Nero and iTunes, Windows XP Home with SP2...
  7. That is so obvious I am hitting myself! N
  8. Well I've now deleted everything from SS except for what I know can be transferred to MD, so the situation is now bearable I don't take this as seriously as it might sound). I am going to gradually build up collection again as I copy my CDs to comp. For the sake of completeness though, here (I hope) is a pic of what is irritating me. In my world The Beatles would come between Badly Drawn Boy and Blur, but SS sticks themat the end. Once my brain processed the problem a bit more I figured that since I've 'told' SS The Beatles actually begins with 'B', how is it to know what the next letter is anyway, so I can't hope for much. Interestingly though, it sticks Dusty Springfield at the *beginning* of the S's, so doesn't seem to follow any pattern... My mum's a librarian and I work in a bookshop, there is no hope N. Try again Darn. Picture
  9. This may sound mighty picky, but.. I am all up to date with SS3.3, but the thing which has constantly annoyed me is the way it seems to alphabetise listings. I generally have My Library listed by artist, and have had to change a lot of the 'sort by letter' properties since I consider e.g. Dusty Springfield to come under 'S', not 'D'. However, despite everything now at least being in the correct letter category, SS still seems to mis-sort them e.g. Bruce Springsteen will come before Dusty who will come before Jon Secada (I don't even know where my sis got half these tracks!) Is there an obvious solution to this or is it far to trivial to be of any discussion?! N.
  10. I only paid what was charged on eBay. On the parcel the 'is a gift' box is marked by the seller which means you're not supposed to be charged tax, as I understand it (and certainly I wasn't).
  11. I wanted the silver RH10 and just received mine from the ebay.com seller 'BuyfromJapan'. Might be a bit more than you want to pay (basically £200), but you do get the LCD remote and several people on here have testified to his reliability (which is what pushed me and I'm not complaining). Were no hidden charges. BTW, my local Comet certainly has the RH10 at £199 and Hughes have the 910 and 710.
  12. Well I'm going to wait now to return to Hi-MD. Was easier to get a refund from Argos than source another one (they had none left unsurprisingly) or bother with getting it fixed. Have to say getting two faulty ones didn't fill me with confidence about a third, and have been getting flak for buying it anyway (some people just don't understand!). I'm sure it *was* an issue with the unit rather than me, since it just didn't seem right afterwards. It's a shame, but there we go. Glad I've now got a use for my eBay 710 anyway!
  13. So, I'm the one who thought she'd got lucky on replacing her faulty NH900 (the loose menu button). However, after a weekend of using SimpleBurner to transfer a good part of my CD collection and SS3.1 to tweak, it's all been for nothing. Plugged unit into hifi (optical) and saw "Cannot record or play". Eventually message went away, and I started recording CD. Only then did I realise the previous 20hrs on the disc had been erased. I own two (yes, a whole two) Hi-MDs, and now I get a read error pretty much every second time I put one in the NH900. Can anyone give me a reason not to take the second unit back for a refund - not exchange?? Think I'm going to sacrifice the extra capacity and return to my NF810.
  14. Managed to find receipt (will stick it to box now!) and take it back to an Argos with a couple in stock. New one *seems* to work fine...will have some fun now trying to fill up the disc! N.
  15. Thanks for the feedback. Of course, due to a combination of my being far too hasty to have a go on my new toy and having piles of stuff everywhere readying to move house, I'm going to have to do some digging for receipt... At least I know it's a fixable thing.
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