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  1. W00t! Sonicstage 3.2 seems to have solved the problem. It used to only record about 1-2 seconds of a track - now sorted. Oh, and to be sure, I'm running Windows SP1, and it werkz gud.
  2. Thanks ROMBUSTERS, I have tested this with the prior OpenMG, which was uninstalled, registery cleaned and then the new stuff installed. Unfortunately I won't be able to install SP2 on this machine, as it is used for testing SP1 'level' stuff, so to speak. I was able to transfer one song prior to upgrading to SonicStage. OpenMG transferred one and then choked on the rest. Perhpas I'll try another disk, can't say I'd thought of that...
  3. Hey All, My first post here... The result of resurrecting my Mini-Disc a few weeks back and deciding to burn some new tracks. After some installing, uninstalling and way too much rebooting, I know have Sonic Stage 3.1 running on a Win XP machine, no SP2. I can import tracks to my library just fine, however the trouble is that no matter which track I transfer to the MD (MZ-N505) it gets truncated to a blank track varying from 1 - 3 seconds. This happened with the old OpenMG, which is how I wound up here and upgrading etc. Any idea what gives?
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