Ok, so my Sony MDR-V700 headphones finaly broke after 3 years of heavy use. The plastic has cracked in many places that can not be repaired with any type of glue. I have a problem, I can't figure out which one of these headphones to get. American Audio HP 700 http://www.americanaudio.us/product.asp?Pr...&cat=Headphones These I can get localy for $70 OR Sony MDR-XD400 http://www.sonystyle.com/is-bin/INTERSHOP....ame=specs&var2= I would have to order them online, no place localy has them. (portland, OR, usa here) american audio ones looks like V700 "rip offs" with somewhat better specs but since they are cheaper in price than the V700. but the XD400 look a bit more comfortable and they look pretty sturdy I'd pick the xd400's if I could find them localy but I kinda don't want to wait a week or pay $30 for 'fast' shipping