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Everything posted by g8rken

  1. THX i'm fairly new too, but from what i gather from my experiences and some of others is that making a good recording takes patience and practice. my first recording sounds like it came out like the one you are describing. the problem i had with that one was that my recording levels were not set properly. i like to see my recording levels move some, at least i did on my Sharp recorder, but my new Sony they didn't move much at the last show i recorded and it came out pretty good. take your recording level down a bit though. do you have a battery box? is the battery good? if the battery starts to wear down the loud sound could overload your mics too. each time you record and listen you will get better. then you can kick yourself for having the pause button turned on during half the show or hitting the wrong button and turning off the recording and having a 45 second gap or maybe .... you get the point. btw ... i still have that first recording i made. i was going to hopefully someday "undistort" it ... but maybe that's not really possible. -g8rken
  2. i record with mics under my shirt all of the time and (perhaps i don't know any better) am impressed with my results. i have never had any rubbing or other noises that would affect the sound quality, though granted, having the mics as high as you can is best. i record with a black cotton tshirt with a hole cut on each top shoulder. i run the mic cables under that shirt with the mics coming thru the holes and resting on the front side of my shoulders ... not too low. i then put on another black/blue shirt over top that is mesh ... like a sport shirt or whatever with alot of tiny holes in it. the sound passes right thru the holes in the shirt and is virtually undetectable since my mics are out of site. i've tried some other methods, including the collar method and i do see it could work well, but it doesn't beat my double shirt method. perhaps i don't get any rubbing noises cause the shows i record are all loud as shit. in fact the only noises i sometimes get are when i get smashed into from the mosh pit -g8rken
  3. too funny ... but your point is well taken. i will not give up my gear either. i'll leave (and then try and get back in )
  4. do both remotes display recording levels?
  5. well after much reading ... thanks to everyone. i think i have decided on the rh10 as my first HiMD unit. my main use/passion is recording live concerts and the OLED display seems really cool (replacing my cigarette lighter). i am still a little unsure if there is a difference between the japanese and US models as far as the unit and accessories. thanks
  6. do you erase your discs after you upload and everything goes as planned or do you store them? i don't have HiMD yet, but when i do i am figuring i can't have all of my recordings on my computer due to storage. i guess it's storage of MDs or more storage on the computer. i would hate for a harddrive to crash or be completely wiped out for one reason or another and lose all of my shows i've stealthed. i am semi-spoiled with editing on my sharp and then using my sony stereo component to burn to cd (i bought that awhile ago when i couldn't upload). perhaps HiMD > SS > WAV > HiMD any thoughts?
  7. thanks for the link. great ideas! one venue in particular here is completely out of control. they separate the men and the women into different screening lines, pull everything out, confiscate stupid stuff like markers, ect. and now that i've been recording shows for awhile it's hard for me to buy a ticket when i know i may not be able to record it. that's terrible isn't it.
  8. hey all don't know if i will ruffle any feathers with this question/discussion, but i have been contemplating how to get past the goons at the front door of a local venue (with national acts) that wand the hell out of you with one of those hand held metal detectors. i've even gone out and bought a pair of oversized shoes to see if i could cut out the sole to put my MD in their. it didn't work very well. i was scared i was crushing it with every step. i was reading about the NH1 and that it had a case, but i didn't know how sturdy it was or anything about it. i'm thinking i've got to get some sort of leg traction brace complete with crutches to stealth my gear into this place. wheelchair???? i would have a place to sit all nite. does anyone have any suggestions??? of course the stealth 9v rig is sweet i bought mics with a LONG chord, so a revamp of that would cut it down thanks
  9. i've done this as well ... contacted the band afterward to see if they would be interested in a copy. they have all said "yes" and have been grateful for the most part, even offering advanced copies of their next cd or tshirt or whatever. my motto: It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to ask permission. it works for me, but i know someday i will get "caught" and will have to leave a show. the risk of the stealth taper
  10. here's my advice it's going to take some practice to get a really good recording. i try to stand in the middle near the mixing table if possible since those guys are supoosedly hearing the sound the best so they can make adjustments. otherwise, you will usually find me in the middle somewhere. i wear my mics on my shoulders. that's gets them pretty high and usually prevents inadvertent brushing (noise). what i did was go to wal mart or some other dept store and bought an overly large shirt with tiny holes in it ... kinda like a football jersey, but lighter. this happens to be a starter (sport) shirt, black in color. then i get a black tshirt and cut two holes in the top of the shoulders. of course i wear the tshirt under the sport shirt. i have my md player in my pocket (used to carry it in a waste bag but i hated using that thing) with my battery box. of course the mics are plugged into the battery box, my oversized shirt hangs down over my pockets and the mics run up under the black undershirt up through the holes on my shoulders and hang down. they are covered by my overshirt and the holes in the overshirt let the sound through. my recordings come out pretty good. it has taken practice though. it seems i learned something new the first 15 shows i did. don't turn the recording volume up too high or it will distort the heck out of it. good luck, g8rken
  11. it's the 17th ... sunday. sorry for the double post g8rken
  12. i'm in florida and can't get there. it's in san francisco, this sunday at cafe du nord. i would be extremely grateful and would burn a nice lot of my shows for you. thanks. email me at g8rken@yahoo.com
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