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  1. Hi, just out of interest how much would be a reasonable amount to charge for a MZ-G750? Would like to know as am planning on selling mine and wouldn't want to overcharge for it (like I think the person who sold it to me did ) but would also want to make as much as possible...! Cheers guys, any help would be most appreciated.
  2. Hi guys, hope this is the right place to put this... I've recently bought a Sony MZ-G750 (second-hand) but when I connect it to my PC with the digital cord supplied, my computer does not detect it. Is this because this model cannot record from PCs (which is what I fear the most ) or is there something else I need to be doing? I have downloaded the latest edition of Sonic Stage, which is working perfectly fine, but when I click the transfer button the only options are for CDs... Help would be much appreciated as I desperately need to get music onto minidisc!
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