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grey real steam

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  1. are any of those remotes back lit?? im thinking about getting a remote as well, for my 600D, but need a backlight one for when im using it in the dark.
  2. oops, what i meant was, when im using sonic stage, i just drag the playlists when im in the SS3.1 program
  3. i dont know my exact system specs, but the code said this if it helps any AppName: omgjbox.exe AppVer: ModName: kernel32.dll ModVer: 5.1.2600.1106 Offset: 00012b5a thanks AMD athalon windows XP service pack 2 PS i did that trick where i installed the german version, and it worked, now it can read my device, but now im unable to transfer anything, because when i drag anything over to copy to the MD, it does that error box.
  4. i looked everywhere and could not find any discussions about the problem that i have, i have SS3.1 and MZ-NH600D and it worked great for about 2 days, then all the sudden when i go to transfer any songs to my hi-md it shows this http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v195/gre...steam/crapp.jpg i have windows XP, AMD athalon
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