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Everything posted by BartVL71

  1. Yes, I own an RH-1. Just wondering why the thread starter has a picture of an RH-10 in his avatar though
  2. If you're talking about crowd noise: you can't remove it if the noise is made at the same time of the music. If the noise is only in-between songs: you can try to lower the level of the noise (in order to make it less annoying) by removing gain or limiting.
  3. Lossless compression on the unit would be *great* for live recordists.
  4. I use the ECM-719 for stealth taping. I'm satisfied with the quality but I always need to EQ since mid-range is always too prominent. The cause of this is the limited frequency range of the microphone: 100 Hz to 15 kHz. This means you will have almost no "deep bass" and your recordings will lack a little "air". Anyway, EQ seems to fix things for me...
  5. Yes, that's what I do. I've had no problem uploading after that. The unit is kept still, but I'm recording mainly rock concerts in which bass and drums can cause a lot of vibrations. Thanks, I will try that definitely.
  6. I have exactly the same problem ! It is caused by a small gap (<< 1 second) in the recording (cause unknown). You can salvage the rest of the recording by adding trackmarks and then importing the "good" tracks". The question is: I've made two recordings in two days and both have exactly one gap, but not in the same position. I've never had this problem before. Both recordings were made on different discs. Should I return my unit ?
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