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Everything posted by azovsky

  1. Hi, everyone! Somebody asked my question already: "So, let me get this straight... With this new unit I can finally upload all my old SD recordings. Or can I? Will it allow me to upload music that was originally copied from a CD? Then once uploaded to my pc - what can I do with the music? Can I convert it to mp3?, wav?, burn it to a CD?, put it back onto SD minidisc?" But I could not find a clear sraight forward answer. Can I upload my CD records on old MDs to my PC using MZ-RH1? Can they be uploaded in WAV or MP3 or it has to be Sony format? If it has to be Sony format can it be converted to MP3 later? Thanks!
  2. Hi, everyone. Could someone please tell me if it is possible to upload the old MD recordings to PC in WAV or MP3 format or it has to be Sony format? Will it allow me to upload music that was originally copied from a CD? If it has to be Sony format can it be later converted to MP3? I tried searching but this is all I found: "So, let me get this straight... With this new unit I can finally upload all my old SD recordings. Or can I? Will it allow me to upload music that was originally copied from a CD? Then once uploaded to my pc - what can I do with the music? Can I convert it to mp3?, wav?, burn it to a CD?, put it back onto SD minidisc?" But I could not find a clear answer to this. Thank you!
  3. Hello, I registered with this forum just to get an answer to a simple question: is it possible to drag and drop or copy and paste (simple transfer no software involved) music files from regular (not hi-MD) minidisc media to a computer hard drive using this USB MD drive? I have a big collection of music on minidiscs from the 90s and I've been trying to find a device that would do just that but no luck. I was going to do a digital recording transfer via optical in real time using my sound card but my God that's like really a lot of time needed to do that. Also if this simple copy/paste transfer is possible I assume that those files are going to be in that Sony special format? Will it be possible to convert those files to MP3 for playback and further transfer? Thank you very much for the info.
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