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  1. As someone who worked for Sony I can honestly say the whole acceptance in the American market was lost from the beginning. The first thing to understand is the americans who worked in the marketing and advertising departments had no idea how to sell or push this format. Granted Sony dropped the ball big time but I think if more effort was put forth MD would've made a nice impact. I knew some of the developers in Japan who hated SonicStage with a passion but they were loyal to the company. We sold 2 computers as far as I know with MD capabilities but you would never know if you saw the commercials. Things they developed and sold in Japan were incredible but our US marketing wouldn't even attempt to try and sell them here. I hope the MD format will last with those of us still support this dying bred. I have 4 different players that still function except for my HiMD which won't read the media or play anymore...I suspect a poor production batch. The sad thing is can't record any music to them anymore since SonicStage quit working on my Sony computers... How great would it be to be able to record using Real, Windows Media Player or even a simple drag and drop format.
  2. I get the same error message regardless if I'm using SonicStage or MD Simple Burner. I never thought about removing the battery though, strange that when Sony received the unit they couldn't find anything wrong. Hopefully somebody within the forum might be able to shed some light on this issue.
  3. No matter if it's an old MD or a blank MD fresh from the package I get the following error message: Error Read And then it shuts off. Has my poor NH600D died and gone to MD Heaven? Can this be fixed or should I accept the obvious and prepare to purchase a new unit. Any help or suggestions are greatly appreciated. regards, son0fbob
  4. As someone who used to work for Sony (Western Headquarters) it is very frustrating to see them release MD products in Japan but never in the US. I have never understood the lack of support for the MD. The PC MiniDisc Recorder you're thinking about is: Sony VAIO PCV-MX We produced 2 models MX10 and MX20 The shitty thing about this model is the US Adversting and Marketing department decided to remove some of the functionality. This model in Japan had the ability to play the MD and the built-in stero sans the PC being powered on. When we worked on the NV series we had ever conceiveable component that would plug into the NV except the MiniDisc. We never pushed this when this were ordered since MD was a popular format here in the states. I still have my NV series with the SubWoofer component but damn I would like to get my hands on that MiniDisc piece.
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