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  1. Mati

    Bug report

    i have other problem... when i try to run winamp i see massage "problem with Winamp occured and application will be closed. Sorry for problems" when i click on "more info about error" it shows: AppName: winamp.exe AppVer: ModName: msvcrt.dll ModVer: 7.0.2600.2180 Offset: 00032a16 when i delete ml_sony plugin it start correctly :/ with version 1.02 i haven'r had this problem... i've written PM to you with error log //sorry otiasj i'm going to be away, so i will check forum probably on wednesday at the evening.
  2. Mati


    thx for reply and info :] good night (in Poland it will start getting dark in about 3 hours )
  3. Mati


    bad=name of file on the device (but without file format (OMA)). it's something strange... some files has on the beginning have corect names (from tags) some when are clicked/played change name... the first file on the playlist usually has bad name (one abum was displayed corectly, but when i clicked again on the name of album in album window first name has changed...). EDIT: some files change name before double-clic, some befor clicking four times... generally sometimes names are shown correctly, i don't know whats goin on i've made a screenshot http://img264.imageshack.us/img264/6919/winamp5oe.jpg
  4. Mati


    unfortunately still names of files played from device through winamp sometimes have bad names... some always, some when you clik name in playlist window :/ this bar showing progres of uploading is fery useful :]
  5. Mati


    you are great :] thx. i think i will check how it works today and post comment. EDIT: i've tryied how it works now is very good i havent noticed any problems with my winamp and device
  6. Mati


    Hi, i've found today thread on http://forums.winamp.com and have read it (i've my nw-a1000 just about 2 weeks). Thx 4 your plug-in :] ConnectPlayer is fuc... shit. i don't why it don't works on my computer but on my brothers one it works quite good... (it mean that u r able to transfer files - but it's not so comfortable and slow...). Your plugin works on my computer and when you'll release new version i'll do more tests i've found some bugs :/ - in winamp some files when are being played (twice clicked or wimap go to next file) has bad name (name of file from device, no from the tags). First file on the playlist always has bad name... (maybe i will tell it more clearly -on the begining only first file has bad name, then more when are played. Normal name doesn't show up again, you must load playlist again) - rating doesn't works on my device (option isn't available, but i dont need it ) - connect player go mad... he doesnt recognise amount of album, files etc. probably database made by your plugin isnt compatibile? - i don't get symbols in "+ -" in artist and album window for example: what mean ]Â‮‮‮‪‫‬‭‮□
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