Hello, I´ve been many years reading the posts but never decided to write one xD, Maybe it´s quite sad that my first post is asking for a favour but anyway: I´m studying Enterprise management, and I need to obtain the sales figures of a product in order to make the life cycle of it (from birth to death if needed). So I thought, why not MD? The problem is that I can´t find any figures on the Internet. If any of you would be so kiiiiiiiiind to tell me or give me the sales figures of MD worldwide or in the Spanish Market, ´cause I´m Spaniard, I would be extremely pleased. Either you could tell me where to find them, as Sony or JVC ar so jealous to reveal their figures. Once again, thank you all, not only for this in advance but fot the great effort people like Kurisu (the only name I can remember now), are making in order to keep this alive.