I recorded a Bruce Hornsby performance last night with a Sony MZ-R909 and two old Maxell gold 74 minute discs in SP mode. I am having problems playing back both discs, both on my MZ-R909 and my MDS-JB940. About 12 minutes in on either disc, playback stops (although according to the display, the minidisc is still playing . . . but the timer stops moving). On the second disc, which was nearer to being full, if I try skipping ahead to the last track, it resumes playback where the last track begins, but trying to skip to any of the tracks in between it just sits there. I can also seek back from the last track maybe 10 or 20 minutes (the track before it was very long). I suppose this might be a TOC problem, but when I put the disc in my recorder it does know the correct number of tracks/time remaining on the disc so I'm not sure. I guess the other possibilities are a problem with the media or a problem with my recorder. I used it a week ago and it worked fine then, I suppose I will put another disc in today and just record for a while to see what happens. Has anyone encountered this problem before and know what may have caused it or if the recordings can be recovered?