I apologize for letting my annoyance show. I know it is not helpful. When I put my disk into the RH910, a message appears saying something like "no music or data on disk". The one other disk I have still works correctly in my RH910 so the unit seems ok. If I try to play the corrupted disk directly on the RH910, or view its contents, nothing happens. Similarly, if I attach the RH910 to my computer, via USB, and start Sonic Stage, I get a message saying the disk's format is unrecognizable. The disk contents do not appear, I cannot play the disk, I cannot transfer tracks, or anything else. By the way, I am using Sonic Stage 3.0. As far as I can tell, the five hours of music on my disk are completely lost, unless someone has figured out how to hack these disks. When a track is transfered to the computer, Sony writes a bit on the disk telling it not to transfer the track again. Presumably, one of these writes failed -- perhaps because the battery was not completely charged? -- and the bit was on a critical sector of the disk. I am sure that 99.99% of the disk is still fine. Since it was the first time I used the disk, and since I never erased anything, the tracks presumably are placed on consecutive sectors of the disk. So, you'd think it would be pretty easy to recover the disk if someone has a way to do a "raw" read. I asked Sony for help but they just referred me to a company that recovers hard disks. If anyone can help, I'd sure appreciate it.