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Everything posted by alex0365

  1. Hi I bought some used MDs and found it among them. This is MD Sampler, it was used to present the capabilities of MD system back in the days when only a few have heard of MiniDisc. The date on the back says 1992. This disc is premastered (it is not writable) and it lacks the movable disc cover (shutter) from the front (upper) side.
  2. Depeche Mode - Playing The Angel [sACD+DVD]
  3. Unfortunately last days my friend came back from Hong Kong. I asked him to buy HiMD for me, but he didn't found any of HiMD devices, not a tiny track of MD in Hong Kong. There were some hints from the sellers like: "buy mp3 player - it's better" or "we don't sell old stuff" or "we don't have it, it's hard to sell" or "go to that little second-hand store, first you have to take a sub then go left two streets down then turn right and look for little store with red label, then ask for Chang and find... [and so on]" anyway it was hopless. My friend bought himself an iAudio X5, for me it's not an alternative I expected more from Hong Kong... If anyone (possibly from Hong Kong) can point me to the right place for HiMD I'll be very greatfull regards fracek
  4. Unit: Sony MZN-707R, Kenwood car MD KRC-559R (no LP but still great), ~50 MD discs Daily use: Listening to music everywhere and when I want it, falling asleep with my MD and earphones on Favorite use: Recording CD in MD for portable and car use, Live recordings, recording environmental sounds for my music, playing guitar and record it on MD, recording other guitarplayers, recording radio shows, archiving my old tape recordings. Professional use: I plan to have my work's files allways with me when I go for HiMD (still saving for it Alternatives: for recording: None Request: provide metal undestructable cases with decent buttons, stay on a plain AA batteries, make a Hi-Md car unit, make a full size Hi-Md ES class deck, drop DRM its no use and no protection either, FLAC support would be great
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