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  1. I was unable to try earlier as the link you provided did not work. Now it does, I appreciate that. It is cheaper than the other product and looks like it may work better as it is a direct link from the phone to the recorder. Thanks, you guys are the greatest. socaprice
  2. I need advice on recording a phone call. Nothing suspicious, I will be calling a few people and asking them to say a dedication to someone on their birthday. They cannot be here for the occasion so I need to call them all over the world and have them say their piece, I will then record this on the mini disc as a wave file to be transposed to CD then played on a radio program. What is the best way to do this using the mini disc recorder? Are there any mics that can be hooked up directly to a phone and the mini disc that would allow this? Or am I subject to holding a mic up to the receiver end of the phone? Thanks.
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