Hi there,
Well, after using the forums for many years....and spending hours getting side-tracked while sourcing information... I wondered if I could check the information I have gleaned ( I think!!) before going ahead with a very long overdue new lap top purchase. Everyone's always been really helpful in the past - especially as my computer literacy is a bit limited.
I'm using an MZ RH-1 (also have a working NH-900) to mainly record live gigs in hiMD mode (mostly hi-SP, occasionally hi-LP) but have got masses of archive recordings on MDs in SP mode.
My debate is over whether to buy:
1) a new PC lap top running Windows 7 professional 64 bit(which I'm assuming then gives me the option of running sonic stage 4.3 in the XP compatability mode((does this automatically kick in when the RH-1 is connected??!))) with the ability then to upload my archive recordings via the RH-1 (when I can invent some more hours in the day) and continue editing them with Audacity or CD-Wav editor as I do currently before saving to cd.
2) a Macbook Pro - to upload any hiMD recordings I have already / make in the future (with hiMD music transfer version 2.0)and then edit with Audacity etc, (and get to utilise the benefits of a Mac for photographs/video editing which I also do a lot of) but have no way to USB / hi-speed up-load my archive recordings - although, if I was to run XP in Parallels could I upload by archive SP recordings via Sonic Stage 4.3, save as WAV and then edit them either still with the XP software or move over to the Mac OS editing software?
Hope this makes sense - and I apologise if I'm repeating previous posts...just struggling to get my basic knowledge around all this info before paying out