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About stevecole

  • Birthday 07/02/1965

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  • Minidisc units
    mds-je480 mds-je510 mds-je640 mds-je780 mz-r410 mz-r900 mz-nh600 mz-rh1

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Sorry SFBP, still not quite there. As I said yesterday, I tried the File Conversion Tool on the SS install on my Work PC, and the .oma files changed to .OMA, as you said they would. However, I should admit that it took me two attempts to get it to do anything. On my first try, I had 'un-checked' the 'Add Copy Protection' box (seemed appropriate), and when I set it off it came back with a message that essentially said that the files did not need conversion. So, for the second try I re-checked that box, and the conversion took place. I then copied these new .OMA format files and Imported them into SS on my home PC. The Import appeared to be OK, but none of the files will play - I get the message "Cannot play this track because its licensing information cannot be retrieved..." Any further suggestions?
  2. Hi SFBP, many thanks for the rapid reply. I'm at work at the moment, so have taken the opportunity to try out the File Conversion Tool on my 'Test' installation of SS, and sure enough I see the change from 'oma' to 'OMA'. However, before I try anything on my Home installation, perhaps you could clarify things further. Just imagine that my Work PC is my 'New' machine - are you saying that if I do the Decrypt with the conversion tool on my home machine, and then copy the whole lot onto my USB Hard Drive, that I should be able to Import all the music onto my 'new' PC? If I do this, will the music files on the old machine remain undamaged and still be accessible to SS, as well as being usable on the 'New' machine?
  3. I have a problem with the "Sonicstage Backup Tool" on my home PC. It crashes at the point when it tries to calculate the amount of space required to perform the backup. To begin with, my music files were stored on an external USB harddrive, due to lack of space on the system drive. I wondered whether the USB drive was causing the problem, so I installed another internal drive set as 'Slave', and got Sonicstage to move my music files onto this drive instead, but still get the same error. As a test, I made another installation of SS on my work computer, imported a CD, and then found that the Backup Tool ran successfully, with the music files stored on the system disc, and a USB memory stick as the backup destination. I then transferred the music files onto a USB memory stick, and although I didn't go as far as doing a second backup, it was at least able to get past the point where it crashes on my home PC. At the moment I have Sonicstage CP version installed. The home PC has XP Home Edition SP3, the one at work uses the XP-Pro. I need to get the backup tool to work soon as I believe this is the only way to migrate to a much-needed new home computer. Can I re-install this same version of SS in the hope that the backup will work, without this process destroying my music collection? Any help and suggestions welcomed
  4. By way of an update - basically if you are considering doing this, forget it! I added the 10k pull-up resistor to the circuit (marked on the PCB as R92), which I'd hoped would permanantly send the machine into Timer Record mode, but unfortunately nothing happened. I can only conclude that machines made without this or other options run different software to those with them 'built-in' from new. Any un-expected inputs, such as my +3.3v applied to pin 92, are ignored! Oh, well, never mind!
  5. To update this post, I now know how the Timer/Off/Play function is implemented in my JE640. The switch determines the voltage present at PIN 136 of IC1 the Master Control device (M30805SGP), derived from a 10K + 10K potential divider across the 3.3v supply. With the switch at 'Off', the divider puts 1.6v into IC1. At 'Play', the bottom leg of the divider is shorted to ground, so IC1 gets 0v. And for 'Rec', the bottom leg is disconnected, so IC1 gets 3.3v via 10k. The big question now is whether the JE480 uses the same 'Master Control' IC as the JE640/440, because if it does, then adding Timer Record will be easy, just 2 resistors and a switch. Anyone know?
  6. I purchased a second-hand JE480 recently, as a backup for my overworked JE780. I was aware of the differences between the two at the time, but I now realise that the lack of 'Timer Record' is a nuisance. Does anybody know if there is a simple way to retro-fit this feature onto the 480? I could live with a discreet switch on the back of the unit to activate this if it were possible.
  7. I use my mz-e909 in my car, and for this I find that having the audio output lead plugged into the end of the remote can be awkward. Ideally I would like to retain the remote control, but with a separate lead carrying the audio from the player to my car stereo. I am therefore considering a mod to the remote, which would involve removing the remote's lead and re-terminating it in some sort of "break-out box". This box would have an audio output socket to feed the car stereo, with a new (and longer) lead running from it to the remote. Has anyone tried this before?
  8. Greetings Just found this post, and realise it goes back awhile, but my MZ-R900 does exactly the same thing. I've found that the only way to get it to continue playback is to give it a reasonably firm "tap" on the case, just below the display. I've cleaned the lens many times, with no improvement noted. It seems to be worse on hot days. With my unit, the problem occurs on LP2 and normal recordings, with fresh and nearly-flat batteries. Any further thoughts as to what might be causing this?
  9. Thanks Bob, have tried that without success. Might follow up your 2nd suggestion!
  10. Thanks for the suggestion, but the problem is not disc related - the machine does this without a disc in it - you just close the lid, and there is the error message.
  11. I've recently acquired 2 NH600's - One is very scruffy but works, the other is mint but dead. The display shows ERROR DE when any attempt is made to operate the unit. The Service Manual gives me no help at all with this. Can anybody contribute something useful on this, or shall I just give up and swap the outer casework over to improve the working unit and dump the leftovers?
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