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Everything posted by CliveH

  1. CliveH

    Hi-MD, Bye-MD?

    I just hope that if Sony DO decide to drop MD, that the format media will still be available and that other manufacturers realise that it still sells. If minidisks are available, there's no reason why it can't go on as long as the cassette tape has. One question, why does Sony STILL insist on selling mini and midi stacks with a cassette player/recorder fitted? I know of hardly anyone who still uses cassettes, more likely CDs and MP3. If they had put a minidisk deck in all their systems, the format might have taken off a bit more. Perhaps it's just a case of too many formats. A colleague at work and I are some of few who extol the virtues of MD, whilst the others' iPod batteries and screens are failing, and moaning about the cost of replacing/repairing these items. I still think the removal media format beats the HDD any time. Incidently the BBC use minidisks for their jingles and announcements, shouldn't someone from the broadcast media be getting involved in the debate? Clive
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