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Everything posted by ChrisOhio42

  1. Thanks again for everyone's help. We just don't know what the hell we're doing with this thing. I bought the minidisc in July thinking it was going to make our lives easy, boy was I wrong! As far as my background, I deal mainly in sports out of Bowling Green, Ohio. I use the disc to interview all of the coaches for the school as well as the players.
  2. Thanks for the feedback, I'll let me producers know that. Can you select specific tracks that you want to combine?
  3. Hello everyone. I am a broadcaster and I recently bought a Sony MZ-RH10 to use to interview coaches and players. It has a group setting which enables me to put several tracks in one group, which to me seems useless but anyways I've been having major recording problems with it. What the MD does is divide my interviews into about 100 6 second short clips, which are not fun to edit together. It seems to divide the tracks anytime there is a pause in speech. I'm just wondering how or what settings I should change to avoid this problem. Any help would be great!
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