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  1. i had a similar problem with my first recording, i bought my rh910 few days ago, i started to import mic recorded tracks in one time with ss3.0 (version that came up with 910) after errors, don't know what i did exactly. but when i disconnected, "CANNOT RECORD OR PLAY", himdlister shows the entire content of the disk. it's possible that an update to ss 3.2 gives my recording back?? Please help me sorry for my not fluent english. in italy school sucks!
  2. I'm a new owner of an european version of mz-rh910, a friend has the US one. I can't see DistFL or other fields, i view last two hex digits, and the fist 4 digits are hex values increasing (i don't know what that mean!) What's your version of rh910? here values of Us and European (U, E no letter same value, Y is your value when different): here values changing in the different version: 0113 DistFL 24 Y 20 U A0 E 0124 HMD3RH 36 Y 38 U 3E E 0132 Dsptmp 25 Y 1A U E 0133 TmpOfs DC Y DE U EZ E 0217 Adrs H 18 Y 19 U 14 E 0218 Adrs L 14 Y 78 U B3 E 0223 1312 53 Y 78 U 98 E Can somebody help me to explain what that difference mean? Thanx ____________ here the complete sequence 0100 MT 0110 NV 0111 ResAll CC 0112 Clock CC 0113 DistFL 24 Y 20 U A0 E 0114 DistFH 80 0115 ClrVNV 00 0120 Laser 00 0121 Lrefpw 14 0122 WrPwx4 A9 0123 SettHM3 CC 0124 HMD3RH 36 Y 38 U 3E E 0130 Temp CC 0131 SetTmp 19 0132 Dsptmp 25 Y 1A U E 0133 TmpOfs DC Y DE U EZ E 0200 SET CC 0210 DiscPr CC 0211 NomiRP 2E 0212 NomiRT 1E 0213 NomiWP 8D 0214 NomiWT 28 0215 OptiRP 22 0216 OptiWP 69 0217 Adrs H 18 Y 19 U 14 E 0218 Adrs L 14 Y 78 U B3 E 0219 ResDrp CC 0220 AdjUID CC 0221 0407 06 0222 0000 00 0223 1312 53 Y 78 U 98 E 0230 MD1Pr CC 0231 DscSel 01 0300 OTHER CC 0310 LED CC 0311 Ch0p H FF 0312 Ch0p L 3F 0313 Ch0p0F CC 0900 LINE CC 0910 MngFlg CC 0911 MngF1 00 0912 MngF2 00 0920 Other CC 0921 TsbSsb 00
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