hi thanks for your quick reply i go to the registry, i can't even find any value called "AreaCode" what i found inside are only (Default), DLLName, Name and Version. The Version is by the way i had downloaded the service manual and it seems needing a file called "TestMode_Enter_For_900_800_700_600_600D_Ver****.exe" i don't have it. where can i download it? oh yea by the way, i am using Window XP SP2, and if i switch the region to China(PRC), Sonic Stage 3.3 works perfectly displaying every single chinese character, but if i change back to English (US), English (UK) or any other language, then the Chinese Character in Sonic Stage 3.3 become "????" again. The reason i don't want to change to China(PRC) is because most of the softwares in my PC will become chinese based. which i don't really like. please assist.thanks