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Everything posted by chanyo1

  1. So I found this article about using mini disc recorders as a double sound system for video production http://www.kenstone.net/fcp_homepage/revie...i_disc_rec.html It left me wondering, does this Minidisc recorder allow me to monitor audio levels, and if needed change the levels without having to pause it? http://www.bhphotovideo.com/bnh/controller...egoryNavigation]minidiscrecorder I didn't understand all the specifications that were listed.
  2. I knew that there would be that bit of a sacrifice, but I figured CD sound quality(44kHZ) would work fine. I was looking for a way so that when I run sound, I wouldn't have to use the camera(Not my forte). This way I could freely capture audio, and not worry about the camera or standing in the path. As it was before, the Camera Operator would montior sound, I would hold the boom mic, and we would manuever around a mess of XLR cables. As for editing I was just planning to convert it using quicktime, then import it into Final Cut Pro, and synch and make subclips.
  3. Hello, I'm interested in picking up a sony Hi-MD Minidisc recorder to record interviews, but I was curious:Are Minidisc recorders pretty good to capture audio for like a film/video production ?I've dabbled with DAT and some low-end digital audio recorders, but never used minidisc before. Sorry if this is an old topic.I tried using the search function to see if this topic has been brought up before but couldn't find it
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