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  1. bleh2k5


    My NET MD player lost the ability to record 2 weeks after my 5 year warranty ended. Now i've got myself a Sony NW E507. I want to transfer from MD to PC but when i try this using SonicStage is says "The select tracks originated from another computer, cannot transfer the selected tracks". I did look at that Win MD program but you have to pay to use it. Do you guys know how to resolve my problem?
  2. Thx for the advice. How do i record using the line in function? I've only ever done it using USB.
  3. Hello, I'm having a problem transfering files onto mini disc using sonic stage 3.0, i have tried this on 2 different machines and i get the exact same problem. And it's just typical that my 4 year warranty has just ended and the damn thing looks like it's packed in. The whole file transfer appears to go through as normal but when i attempt to play the music i've just transfered nothing happens. It reads the file name but nothing plays then the disc erases itself. 'Blank disc' error. It plays pre-recorded discs fine, it just won't write anything new to disc I've had it for 4 years as well, good lil thing it was. I aint got the money at the moment to purchase a new one. Anyone know what is happening here?
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