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    S2 Net Md

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  1. I have used md's now for about 6 years. My first one failed after the 90 day warranty but my S2 Net MD is holding up well. I listen to audio books from audible.com and MD is not supported. I could afford to buy a supported MP3 player but I am stubborn and I like my MZ-S1. I found a very good MP3 editor called audio tools. It has plugins that will do far more than what I need it to do. Audio tools records from my sound card stream and allows me to break my book files into fixed chunks and convert them to mp3 or whatever I want as a file format. I can then load them onto my MD. Yeah it is real time but I have an extra old laptop and I really do not care how long it takes. I am left with high quality MP3's 15 minutes per chunk and I can load them to a MD. I think I payed $19 for audio tools from http://www.unrelatedinventions.com the interface is kinda ugly but the sound quality of produced files is top notch. Kevin Rury Discount Drugs http://www.neighborhooddrug.com
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