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Everything posted by perplexer

  1. I´d like to know, if some of the "new ones" offer record functions
  2. btw: is it possible to reduce the backlightning to an other value? f.e from 100% to 50% by default. Perplxer
  3. Hi @all ! many thanks to all of your tests! I bought a Euro RH10 and I was really pi**ed off to what has happend to the functions and the legitimations of the Euro-version. Now, I am happy Again a BIG thanx to Ishiyoshi and kurisu helping those who has no service manual available btw: does any body know more about the built in limiter? What is behind the "ForLoudMusic" parameter? I use OKM Rock headphones and the A3 adapter for recordings. The A3 adapter supports a -20db option to reduce the volume down to -20db. Now, I'd like to know more about the above function. Do I never have to use the A3 again, because of the fact that the ForLuoudMusic option offers this "out of the box"? ps: the 113 parameter was running up and down in my version. Only the last 3 HEX values where fixed to SA0. Now I have a nice A24 value, hehe he btw: are there any other options that maybe allows to copy directly a file from the removeable media to another windows drive? Best wishes from Germany Perplexer
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